
Meet Gypsy Mamma

It all started with an idea. That I could share my passion for traveling (on the cheap) with others while spending quality time with the people I love!

In 2007 I married my high school sweet heart in our home state of Michigan! As we entered the workforce, he an engineer and I a teacher, we traveled as much as possible! When we started having children, I left teaching to stay at home and traveling became a bit more of a challenge on one income. Fast forward, we now have four children, and are back in travel mode! I have always loved to travel and that love has multiplied as I now love exploring through their eyes! Over the last several years, I have been working my way through traveling on a budget. Read my BLOG posts to see how our family of six travels several times a year on one income!

As a busy mom of four, I can’t travel nearly as much as I would like. Instead I am driving the soccer carpool, cheering on the sidelines, cleaning house and doing endless laundry! In my spare time, I daydream about my next vacation. I’m always looking for a deal, I research new destinations, or how to return to a favorite more efficiently! Lately we’ve been spending most of our trips at the beach, on ski slopes and theme parks. But we also love national parks and are working on visiting everyone of them! Travel has gotten easier as they have gotten older and I’m always looking forward to the next trip!

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This blog was born over the COVID pandemic, when we packed up our family and relocated to sunny Florida! Sounds crazy right? My husband thought so too! But it was the BEST idea ever! We had so many adventures, so much quality family time, and the kids were able to attend school! You can follow our journey on social media at #nowickispandemicadventures

It was on this adventure that I decided that wanted to share my love of discounted travel with all of you! It has been an amazing journey getting to this place, and I hope you enjoy every minute you spend with me and my family!

Check out my blog to see how you too can save big on family travel!