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Booking your Bucket List
One time

I can’t wait to share all my travel secrets with you so you can begin to book your bucket list! You don’t have to open dozens of credit cards or get a second job to afford it! Making just a few small changes and learning how and when to book you can start booking your bucket list even while on a budget! You'll get your money back in savings on your first flight booked with these strategies! Let's get started!

✓ Unlimited lifetime access

Does travel feel out of reach because you're on a budget?

Does the thought of opening and organizing dozens of credit cards overwhelm you? No problem.

Not independently wealthy? No problem.

Looking to travel more without getting a second job? No problem.

Do you spend hours researching your own trip because you can’t or don’t want to afford a travel agent? No problem.

Looking to up your travel game? No problem.

If this sounds like you, lets GO!

What you’ll learn

Meet your instructor

Lauren Nowicki

AKA Gypsy Mamma

I’m a teacher turned stay at home mom, and literally a Gypsy Mamma. I love to travel, explore, meet people and talk travel with anyone who will listen! We started traveling when our kids were babies 1-2 times per year, fast forward ten years later, now we travel 1-2 times per month!

As busy mom of four kids, to say time flies is an understatement. As my kids have gotten older, I began to realize the importance of spending quality uninterrupted time together. Ultimately my goal is to teach you all how you too can afford to spend quality time traveling with your family making memories and exploring new things!


Coming Soon

Coming Soon ☆

Limited Time Only

Booking your Bucket List
One time

I can’t wait to share all my travel secrets with you so you can begin to book your bucket list! You don’t have to open dozens of credit cards or get a second job to afford it! Making just a few small changes and learning how and when to book you can start booking your bucket list even while on a budget! You'll get your money back in savings on your first flight booked with these strategies! Let's get started!

✓ Unlimited lifetime access

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